
The EU Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance (EU QPPV)

Starter and refresher of the duties and responsibilities of a QPPV

09:00 - 17:00 CET
You may dial in 30 min before the session

Dr. Christian Moers and Others

Update your knowledge: Our team of experts provides you with important and practical information about the tasks and responsibilities of an EU-QPPV.


  • Legal basis for the EU QPPV
  • Regulatory requirements for practice
  • Specific tasks, responsibilities and possible delegations
  • Networking and integrating an EU QPPV across the company
  • Liability and legal protection

Who should attend

The course is specifically designed for new or future (EU) QPPVs and their deputies with a professional background in pharmacovigilance. Current QPPVs who wish to refresh their knowledge are also welcomed.

Aims and objectives

The Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV) is a central role in any pharmaceutical company, with a high level of responsibility and a variety of duties.

This course provides critical and practical information about the duties of a QPPV and the legal basis for their activities.

It will also examine the major issue of liability and discuss the consequences of Brexit for an EU QPPV.

Your benefit

This online course

  • familiarises you with the roles, responsibilities and liabilities of a QPPV in the EU.
  • explains how to integrate pharmacovigilance in your company.
  • enables you to delegate QPPV tasks.
  • provides useful tips on how to build a worldwide QPPV network.


FORUM Institut für Management GmbH

Sträter Rechtsanwälte
Kronprinzenstraße 20
D-53173 Bonn

Fon +49 (0) 228 93454-0
Fax +49 (0) 228 93454-54



Dr. Christian Moers

Rechtsanwalt Dr. Moers ist seit 2013 Mitglied der Kanzlei und berät pharmazeutische Unternehmen im Bereich der Zulassung und des Vertriebs von Arzneimitteln, Pharmakovigilanz, Großhandel mit Arzneimitteln und Arzneimittelherstellung.
